
What Happened that Motivated You to Come to PMTC?
“I was in almost unbearable pain in both hips, both knees, lower back, upper thigh and down right leg into ankle. I used crutches. I had no gait couldn’t move one leg ahead of the other. I searched for help in vain and saw PMTC on TV and came here totry to get help.” (NW)
“Plenty of severe pain in the lower and upper parts of my back. Pain that was shooting down my arms and legs and even causing me to have migraine headaches at times.” (VJ)
Your Treatment at Other Pain Clinics? If so, what was the result?
“Yes, I have been treated at other pain clinics, but nothing like the PMTC. I did not like the fact that they did not have a specific plan thought out and planned out just for you and your needs. A plan set to help focus on the things to help strengthen your areas that need the most help at the time and then move on, not just jump into everything at once.” (VJ)
“Yes, the physical staff at those other clinic never counseled with me to understand my personal concerns. They always just took me straight to group therapies, heat treatments, traction, etc.” (JE)
“Never been treated anyplace but here at PMTC. I don’t believe you could find a more compassionate group of people who work so hard to see to it that you are more than just OK.” (CT)
Why You Come to PMTC?
“I saw the TV commercial while I was at the height of pain and feeling almost helpless about ever getting better. It seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel, frankly .and it has proven to be just that.” (BO)
“It’s very loving and caring. It’s one big happy family, but they make you their #1 priority no matter what! You are not just another face to them. They jump right on what the problem is with you and target that area and they make you target it too. It’s not a one-side job, we work together.” (VJ)
“The first time I came to PMTC was on referral and I was treated with such dignity and understanding that I don’t choose to go elsewhere.” (JE)
“The staff and doctors are great”. (CT)
What Do You Like Best About Our Services?
“The CARING and PROFESSIONAL attitude of your staff.” (NW)
“Friendly, personal care . . . a feeling that I’m important.” (BS)
“They always give me hope that there is life on the other side. Just because I’m having pains today or right now does not mean that my life has no meaning or that I have to stop living and having fun. They give their patients HOPE.” (VJ)
“Ever since my first visit I have been satisfied with the results of my treatments, the respect of the doctors and staff and the positive outlook that I always leave PMTC with.” (CT)
“I like the way the doctors/assistants let you explain the specifics of your pain, and then they do all they can to get right down to your main concern(s).” (JE)
“The quality and friendly, knowledgeable staff.” (CT)
“I feel very welcome and cared for. Very sincere people! Very happy with service. You are doing a wonderful job. You have a patient comes first attitude which is very much appreciated. I am very pleased with my choice to come here.” (ET)
“You cared. You agreed that you believe I have pain. You gave me hope.” (BC)
“I enjoy Pain Management and Treatment Center. I go home more at ease and less pain. I would recommend more people to come. Thank you for making my life a little less painful”. (SE)
“The level of patient concern and the number of available treatment options – the fact that the doctors are constantly learning.” (CC)
“It’s all good! The doctors are the best. Thank you so much for your help.” (DB)
“I have never been treated better or more professionally at a medical clinic or hospital. All staff has been courteous and kind. The fact that everyone respects timeliness is appreciated.” (AN)
“Don’t change a thing. Continue with the awesome care you provide.” (CK)
“The staff and doctors listen and do their best to alleviate your pain, but don’t force things upon you. That is appreciated. Please note that I was initially injured in the fall of 1988 with repeated injury to my back due to poor health care – even though I paid dearly for my medical insurance, appointments, etc. I continued to greatly damage my back/leg through 1990 – after numerous surgeries (I had a great surgeon – he kept me out of a wheelchair/crippled totally). However from 1993-2009 I went to numerous pain clinics, specific rehab and treatment places – close to 12 places between 1993-2008). NONE – I repeat NONE – provided any relief. I looked liked he Letter “L” walking to the point where I could not walk or function. I was in so much pain. Then in April 2009, I checked out the PMTC facility. They didn’t drug me to death – so I was pain-free (but not). They didn’t nod, but not listen and throw prescriptions at me, etc. Within the first 4-6+ weeks with PMTC (PT, lumbar injections, home instructions, Brian, Dr. Thomas-King, and the entire staff) I was walking upright for the first time since 1988. They don’t over-prescribe, but APPROPRIATELY but prescribe and they take your phone calls (even the physicians call back (GASP! SHOCK! WHO KNEW?) I feel like someone finally cared about my situation – and really saw ME – and wanted to find a remedy for my specific needs condition. Thank you PMTC and staff.” (VH)
“If I summed up PMTC, I would say that Dr. Thomas-King is an extraordinary young lady who has established a superb facility and has a remarkable loving, caring staff, and I rejoice that I was made aware of PMTC and they accepted me as a patient.” (NW)
“I always enjoy coming to PMTC for my pain management care. Dr. Thomas-King has been a wonderful doctor and she have surrounded herself with a very knowledgeable staff. I always feel like family when I receive my pain management here and I will encourage my family and friends to visit the PMTC for any pain care they may requires.” (RL)
“When my accident first happened I thought my life as I knew it was over. PMTC has taught me that with adjustments my life was not over – it means it was going in a different direction. Reinenvention is my new word. To reinvent myself means a new beginning the tree isn’t dying – it’s sprouting a new branch. Thanks to EVERYONE at PMTC from the greatest doctors to the greatest patient assistants. This has been an adventure instead of an adversity.” (GL)
“The Pain Management and Treatment Center is a clinic where I can always say they have patience. They always greet with a smile, hellos and how are you doing. If I’m feeling sad when I come to the clinic, I leave those feelings outside because the place is too happy to bring my sadness in there. Dr. Pamela Thomas-King is very special. To be in her company is good because she explains things, plus she will let you know exactly what to expect. So my hat goes off to PMTC for being interested in me and my situation. They make me feel I’m doing this for “them,” but they all motivate me to do it for myself. I would like to say thanks very much for everything.” (SPK)
“One of the things I enjoy most about coming to PMTC is the diversity of the staff (ethnically) and professionally. The outstanding manner in which they relate to each other sets an enviable standard for other clinics to emulate.” (JG)
“I just have to say that I love everyone here at PMTC. I feel really blessed to have some of the most wonderful and intelligent women in my life – even if it is only for a short time, but it is a true blessing.” “There’s really not enough space here. If I were to get into the details of all the “positive aspects” that I feel about PMTC”. “I have never been treated better or more professionally at a medical clinic or hospital. All staff has been courteous and kind. The fact that everyone respects timeliness is appreciated”. (CE)
“I enjoy Pain Management and Treatment Center. I go home more at ease and less pain. I would recommend more people to come. Thank you for making my life a little less painful”. (CK)
“The doctor was very kind and gave me a better insight into my condition. He made me feel very comfortable and I liked the way he approached my examination by explaining everything he was doing and why he was doing it. He was very understanding to my pain and psychological needs.” (RP)
Your Chronic Pain Injection Procedures
“I had the first relief from my series of lumbar injections (set of 3) lidocaine vs. steroids. I am allergic (reaction to steroids) and there was no problem/question in finding a suitable substitute for me. The doctor and attendant answered all questions and walked me through each step with me (and forms) without prompting or hesitation. The most important thing was I had pain relief for the FIRST (repeat FIRST) time in 21 years. I was even able to walk upright for the first time in 21+ years. The doctors, staff and the Front Desk has given me hope and the best pain relief I’ve had in years. I appreciate the professionalism.” (VH)
“Facet injections. Becoming a patient here at PMTC was the best things to happen to me. The staff has been very supportive of me in my quest to understand and control my back pain. The staff ability to educate me on what was going on with the particular part of my body was very helpful in achieving my goal of learning to control my back pain. The injections gave me the relief I needed to accomplish my daily activities. I would highly recommend the PMTC to anyone who requires help in dealing with and managing pain.” (RL)
“To me the greatest part of the whole encounter was that I was informed that the idea was to manage the pain. I have had facet injections, cortisone injection and each time the pain has lessened and the knowledge to know my body well enough to assess the symptoms and know how to react/adjust to lessen the pain.” (GL)
“The injections (epidurals) have helped me immensely. Were it not for the level and quality of the treatments I would be an invalid.” (JG)
“I finished my first set of facet injections and my back is doing fine now . . . and I believe my injections have done me well. I would like to say thank you to the staff and a very special thank you to Dr. Pamela Thomas-King.” (SPK)
“All of the procedures that I have experienced in the PMTC Surgery Center have been successful in relieving my chronic conditions.” (JE)
“Facet injections have consistently eased my pain, giving me time to regroup and consider further therapies. After having them at various intervals (up to two years apart), I can see that the facet injections hold my pain at bay for differing lengths of time. The longest time I have been pain free from an epidural is two years”
Your Physical Therapy Services
“I started my PT in April 2009. I found the experience not only (1) therapeutic; (2) condition improvement, (3) hands-on-friendly, (4) questions answered completely and welcomed. PT is necessary and can be continued at any time. My therapists were the smile in my day here. The equipment exercises were effective and she has the greatest hands-on massage.” (VH)
“The staff of physical therapists consists of a very special group of ladies. Very encouraging, supportive, knowledgeable and compassionate in helping get the patient to lead a normal life minus the pain. The exercises taught to me by the PMTC staff help to make my core area stronger plus I actually lost weight while under their instructions. PMTC is the best team to be a part of.” (RL)
“PT has taught me how to adjust to the pain with stretching exercises, correct posture and walking to keep my muscles as loose as possible to impede pain.” (GL)
“Physical therapy has helped me gain much needed knowledge about my body and serves as a remedy for my body ailments.” (JG)
“The staff really helped in assisting me with my therapy. I’ve got new friends who care and will not let me control my situation because it’s not for “them”- it’s for my own good. They work with me as long as I work hard. They motivate me where no one else could. I thank them for their friendship and confidence in me.” (SPK)
“The physical therapy department is the only PT place where I’ve always felt better afterward rather than worse.” (JE)
“The physical therapy staff has showed me that I can exercise and be good at it.” (CT)
“Physical therapy realigns my body, lifts my spirits and continually reminds me to fight the good fight. When I’m down about being in constant pain PT raises my spirits, not only because of the endorphins I’m producing but because the staff is so friendly, encouraging and just plain fun to be with. I think the laughter accounts for much of those feelings! After my physical therapy sessions, I stand taller and straighter. I walk with more confidence and less fear of falling. I am reminded that there are many tools at my disposals here at PMTC.” (KK)
“The physical therapy was excellent. Nothing like I have had before. I like how they treat the whole person not just the pain. This was an excellent choice I made.” (KT)
Your Experience with Our Front Desk Staff
“They are polite and kind always.” (NW)
“Wonderful. They make you feel better about yourself. Their spirit is wonderful. They are always smiling and they light up the front office area. They are the most beautiful group of women you’ll ever want to run across working in an office setting. I wouldn’t change them for anything. They are an important part of this office (they are a part of my family, too).” (VJ)
“I’m always greeted with a smile at the front desk and the staff has always been very attentive to my concerns.” (JE)
Your Experience with Our Financial Services Staff
“Excellent explanations as to billing procedure and charges. They work with you VERY well. Polite and caring.” (NW)
“My Patient Account Representative is a wonderful person and very professional at what she does. All I can say is keep up the excellent work.” (VJ)
“So very understanding. My Patient Account Representative has set me up with a plan that is so affordable and convenient that I don’t feel overwhelmed or pressured; I’ve even been rewarded for being able to make timely payments.” (JE)
“They never let me go above my set amount without calling me.” (CT)
“I feel very comfortable right away with everyone I had to speak with. My HMO called the office checked everything and called back saying how pleased she was.” (VB)
“Thanks for checking with my insurance company to see if I am covered for different treatments. It means a lot.” (HR)